- The Wolfman - If you haven't seen this trailer, you gotta google it!
- Shutter Island (this was suppose to have been released in 2009 several times)
- Alice in Wonderland
- Green Zone - Only cause it has Matt Damon in it, and I love Matt Damon in action roles
- Clash of the Titans
- Robin Hood - Russell Crowe as Robin Hood, saweet!
- Sex and the City 2 - We gotta do cosmos this time Jess
- Eclipse
- The Lasat Airbender
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I'm a weirdo, I'm creative, I love 'LOVE', I'm random, I love to write, I love spiders, I love taking pictures, I love Halloween, and I love my family.....they rock! So, pretty much this blog is about all of the above!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Movies in 2010 I can't wait to see.....
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Cupcakes and French Toast

Monday, December 21, 2009
Winter Solstice Greetings!
'We are nearer to Spring Than we were in September,'
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A question finally answered
Question: Is it true that going outside with wet hair when its cold can make you sick?
NO - The common cold is a virus. It is caught and spread by the transfer of bacteria. Cold temperatures can actually help prevent colds by weakening airborne bacteria. What CAN make you more prone to illness, is tiring or weakening your body, which makes it harder to fight infection. Becoming cold to the point of shivering will lower body temperature, which can lower your immune system - this is another contributor to catching viruses. Humans lose heat rapidly through their head, which is a process that would accelerate with wet hair - if you let yourself get chilled to the point of shivering, or worse, to the point when shivering stops, you would lower your immune system and therefore be more likely to catch a cold. So, having wet hair and being in cold air alone wont make you sick, but letting your self get overly chilled and/or tired might.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Score at Whole Foods for the Vegan
- Marshmallows, the normal ones, not coconut, to put in my hot chocolate
- Oh man, oh man, oh man, vegan freakin donut holes, are you serious? Oh, I would never kid you about donut holes: regular and pumpkin. That was such a score I had to high five my niece Cassidy
- Shampoo and Conditioner, a new kind that I found. Also got the lotion and body wash, cause you gotta have the WHOLE line ya know.
- Vanilla Creme Spritzer by RW Knusden. They don't carry that flavor in Salem, so yum!
- Yummy noodles and vegan egg rolls (why they called egg rolls with no egg)
I also went to Walmart to finish off my shopping and ended up getting a food processor. So, I am making some pumpkin cheescake tonight and hoping ever so much it will turn out super scrumptious!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Spider Adventures in the bathroom

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Some I used to's
- Seriously, I used to smoke? Weird
- I used to go DAYS and DAYS without eating. I blacked out more than once because I didn't eat. What?
- It used to take me an hour or more (more when I used to curl every strand of my hair, and then use some Aqua Net to hold it in place - hey, that was the 80's) to get ready. Wow, I must have had a lot of free time.
- I would not leave the house without makeup. This one cracks me up. Really, I just stopped doing this the past couple years. Now I hardly wear makeup at all. It's not a lazy thing, it's a "why do I want to spend all that time doing that when it's going to smear, dry out my eyes, will take me twice as long to wash my face cause I gotta scrub it all off, and hey, I'm a beautiful goddess without it anyways....lol". Yes, I make up long statements and labels. I use a lot of words to explain myself, wow, I'm still going....
- I used to color my hair every 4 weeks. See 4 above for beautiful goddess statement....hee, hee.
- I used to obsess about certain celebrites like Matt Dillon or Curt Smith to the point that it was just seriously messed up. Wow, I used to be a Twilighter type obsessed girl before there was Twilight.
- I used to sleep through the night without having to get up to pee a ton of times.
- I used to have to shave my legs, and pluck a lot less. Oh, the joys of aging :)
- I used to never be able to finish a bottle of shampoo or conditioner before I bought another kind. Sometimes I would have like 4 - 5 different types under my sink.
- I used to eat meat, huh, say what? Again, weird
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgiving Day Plans
Friday, November 20, 2009
New Moon Night

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A hubby hug
Me: sure
John: Let me give you some yin
Me: Don't you mean chi?
John: Nope I mean yin. Everybody knows about chi. I'm talking about yin. Nobody uses yin. You gotta feel the yin.
So, he gives me a big yin hug, even though I still felt terrible, at least I felt terrible with a smile on my face.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My Lifesource Rant over Tea
Monday, October 26, 2009
Pumpkin Fun

She picked out her own "baby" pumpkin......

Tractor riding. Well, she just sat there really, but it was a cute picture....

She loved petting the animals. This cute little guy even licked her.....

My pumpkins usually look the same every year, nope, I'm not very original, but at least I'm consistent....

My yummy cookies. I used my new vegan sugar cookie recipe, and they were delish.....
Friday, October 23, 2009
This Weeks Randoms
- Watching: CSI NY on DVD with John. I only have a few episodes left, and then it won't be until next year before I watch anymore :(
- Movie I really enjoyed this week: Ok, I am going to admit this to the whole world.....Hannah Montana the movie. It was really cute. Sometimes I like watching the Disney channel, and have seen several episodes this week, and was like "hey, I can rent that with my dish on demand", so, I did.
- I finished reading The Secret, no, not that Secret book. This one is by Beverly Lewis, she writes Amish fiction, and I love her writing. After reading one of her books though, I say things like "danki" - "ain't so" and such, but that's ok, my hubby has no idea what I'm talking about most of the time anyways.
- I started reading A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers. Oh my, I cannot say enough about this book. I can hardly put it down. It's the first in a trilogy. It's about a Jewish slave in Rome. I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but this just might be my favorite book I've ever read, and I've read A LOT of books.
- I discovered some yummy snacks at Lifesource today. They are delish!! They're called Sticks & Twigs, I bought the chipotle tomato kind.
- This Wknd I'm looking forward to cookie baking with Jess, and watching all the Scream movies, then on Sunday I'm going to take the Babe to EZ Orchards. I don't have my pumpkin yet, and it's almost Halloween!
Yep, this would be Hannah Montana......

Those yummy snacks I discovered today.....
Monday, October 19, 2009
Oh No!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Pumpkins from the garden

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Catch and Release Part 2
Ha, ha. Thats a BIG freakin spider huh? Jessica being the funny girl she is left that on my chair. She decorated the office yesterday for Halloween, and thought it would be amusing. She also left the note.
Monday, October 12, 2009
DVD watching wknd

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Grumpy went to the park with the Babe
This was at the beginning of our walk. Korissa was thirsty already.....
Ok, so I kept hiding behind really small trees, and I think from Korissas view, she must have thought I was kissing the trees. She is NOT a tree hugger, she is a tree kisser.....awwww......

Friday, October 2, 2009
Lions and Tigers and Fairies, Oh My!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Like a Virgin.....this was my very first Madonna cassette I bought. I don't think I bought her first cassette until after buying Like a Virgin. Like a Virgin started my Madonna Wannabe phase (yes, back in the 80's there was a name for people like me). I had the earings, the many bracelets, the clothes, the gloves (which I still have in my cedar chest), oh and I also drew on the mole with eyeliner. I remember going to a High School football game, and little kids actually coming up to me calling me Madonna. I did wear some pretty revealing clothes back then, my favorite was a pink satiny shirt, that I wore as a freakin dress.

I was so excited to go see Desperatly Seeking Susan. Can you believe that my mom actually went with me.? I remember the scene where Madonna was in a bathroom drying her pits with the hand dryer, and some girls behind me saying how gross and disgusting she was. I remember turning around and glaring at them. That was so uncalled for, not to mention, why were they there? Uh, jealous much?