Saturday, November 28, 2009

Some I used to's

I was messing around on Facebook last night, a bit too long really, and found some people I used to know (but I just lurked, didn't contact them), and it made me think of how different I am now. I mean, I could go into a lot of stuff of course, I mean, as you get older you should be different, but it got me thinking that would be a fun post. How about you. How are you different? Here are some of my used to's.......
  1. Seriously, I used to smoke? Weird
  2. I used to go DAYS and DAYS without eating. I blacked out more than once because I didn't eat. What?
  3. It used to take me an hour or more (more when I used to curl every strand of my hair, and then use some Aqua Net to hold it in place - hey, that was the 80's) to get ready. Wow, I must have had a lot of free time.
  4. I would not leave the house without makeup. This one cracks me up. Really, I just stopped doing this the past couple years. Now I hardly wear makeup at all. It's not a lazy thing, it's a "why do I want to spend all that time doing that when it's going to smear, dry out my eyes, will take me twice as long to wash my face cause I gotta scrub it all off, and hey, I'm a beautiful goddess without it". Yes, I make up long statements and labels. I use a lot of words to explain myself, wow, I'm still going....
  5. I used to color my hair every 4 weeks. See 4 above for beautiful goddess statement....hee, hee.
  6. I used to obsess about certain celebrites like Matt Dillon or Curt Smith to the point that it was just seriously messed up. Wow, I used to be a Twilighter type obsessed girl before there was Twilight.
  7. I used to sleep through the night without having to get up to pee a ton of times.
  8. I used to have to shave my legs, and pluck a lot less. Oh, the joys of aging :)
  9. I used to never be able to finish a bottle of shampoo or conditioner before I bought another kind. Sometimes I would have like 4 - 5 different types under my sink.
  10. I used to eat meat, huh, say what? Again, weird


Jessica Gray said...

Hey that was a fun post.. Good idea! It is weird to think about some of the things that you used to do. Like makeup, meat and hair coloring. So weird. Like Tammy would say....."say what!" lol I love who you are now:)

Anonymous said...

haha I love the pee-ing in the night! I use to not eat meat!