This morning I woke up and decided to go for my walk, just as I put on my hat and coat, it started pouring down rain. I figured since it's Oregon, it probably won't let up, so I might as well go ahead and go for my walk. My dog LOVES walks in the rain. So, we headed out, and experienced Forrest Gump style rain. We had....stinging rain, and side rain. Then the wind hit, and we of course were walking against the wind. By the time we got home, we were soaked! The front of my pants were completly drenched. We then went out back so I could capture the moment, and of course Noah had to go wild in the backyard and his feet got covered in mud. He then had to go nuts in the house, which wasn't pleasant for me, because I didn't wipe his feet outside, and by the time I wiped his feet inside, he already covered the carpet in mud, so I then had to scrub up the mud. I'm glad he enjoyed himself though....ha, ha.
The toy behind me is called "smelly monkey" because Noah ALWAYS takes a toy outside and forgets to bring it back in, so it gets all gross, wet and smelly. Then it's gotta go throught the wash.......
You and look cute! I don't know what I would do if I had a wet dog. At least he had fun though. Trust me I know what he looks like when he is running through the house wet and leaving track all over. Good job on going on the "FORest Gump Rain adventure" I would have went back into the house!
Heh heh - it was bucketing here too today.
Roxie aka DogBot has a Mumble (from Happy Feet) toy that smells to high heaven and a stinky rope so i can empathise with Smelly Monkey :)
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