Last night I finally leveled my toon to 58, the highest World of Warcraft toon I have ever had. It was super exciting, because I got to take my toon to a new questing area called Outlands. John has been waiting for me to get over there, because he says it's such a cool place to quest in. So, I whispered his toon a message (even though we sit right next to each other playing...ha, ha):
Shedarra (that's my toon): "My first toon to make it to outlands...Yahoo!"
Kanng (his toon): "Your amazing. Grats."
I was thinking, ummm, that was weird. John tells me I'm lots of things, nice things: "pretty", "gorgeous", "hot", "awesome", "the best". He is always giving me compliments, sometimes at embarrassing times too, like when he's in a crowded room at his gaming place called Borderlands, I walk in and he's like "there's a hotty." Of course EVERYONE in the room has to look at who this "hotty" is. Yes, quite embarrassing! Anyways, back to that 'amazing' word. I don't know why I found it so out of place.
Today, a client calls, and I tell him he can save a check, envelope and postage by paying his taxes online. He's very excited by this news, and informs me that I'm "amazing!" Wow, I must be amazing if people left and right are telling me so....ha, ha. Here part of how the conversation went:
Me: "My husband just told me yesterday I was amazing." I think about what I just said, and think, uh, that probably didn't sound very
Him: "Really? What did he think you were amazing for?"
So, I think oh great , it did sound bad, so I have to tell him the truth, so I tell him all about the toon thing, and why I was so amazing. I think I shocked him by admitting I was a gamer. He's like "I never pictured you as a gamer." It was super funny, cause I had to explain all about World of Warcraft and how I am a gamer. Well, not just any gamer, an 'amazing' gamer!

Aww... isn't crazy when the simple words mean so much more than anything.
Ok this was the funniest momment ever. I was sitting in the back at my desk (Dropping an ease as I always do) and I here Tammy telling the client that she is playing WOW. I didn't hear the part where she siad that her hubby ( my dad ) said that she was amazing. I was laughing so hard when I found out the WHOLE Story. So now our client know Tammy is a gamer. HAHA HA AHA it was hilarious I laughed again when i read your blog!
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