- Got to Grandma 3 kids on Baby Monday....they were so good. Dominic said a funny thing though. We made sugar cookies and he asked me if I was going to eat one. I said no because it has milk in it and milk makes me have a tummy ache and throw up. He says, "I'd like to see that". At least he's honest huh?! Adriana shut her baby sister in the closet, and Korissa didn't like that one bit. I did find a new movie buddy though...Adriana. We watched Finding Nemo, and then of course I had to suffer through Spongebob.
- Today I'm going to the movies with Heather. Were going to see the new Adam Sandler movie. She's been wanting to go for weeks, but I get off early today and she doesn't work, so it's perfect.
- Tonight my mom is coming over and were watching our traditional Christmas Eve movie (because of the ice we moved it to New Years Eve). This year we are watching White Christmas. We have snacks and we will drink some grape sparkling cider.
- I plan on watching Mama Mia this weekend, reading some Dragonlance, and finishing a vampire book that Neil (John's coworker) suggested I read. It's called Dead Until Dark.
- At some point this week, I want to make my resolutions list....I love making lists.....and then on the New Moon each month, I want to review my list.
I'm a weirdo, I'm creative, I love 'LOVE', I'm random, I love to write, I love spiders, I love taking pictures, I love Halloween, and I love my family.....they rock! So, pretty much this blog is about all of the above!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
This Week
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wonderful Christmas
- DVD's: Phantom of the Opera (Gerard Butler), Mama Mia, Atonement and Pride and Prejudice both with Keira Knightly
- Candles, Incense
- A cool change purse with a peace sign on the front
- Gift cards: Blockbuster, movie tickets, and Bimart
- A cool picture collage frame
- Vegan box of chocolates.....they were so good (yes, already ate them up)
- A bunch of awesome scrapping stuff
- Adele:19 CD, I LOVE this CD. It's all I've been listening to for two days now
- A big box of oranges, I look forward to that every year
We also have a tradition that started with our first Christmas together, and it is to get an ornament that is dated. We have a very random decorated tree, ornaments ranging from an orca to a ship. This year we didn't get our ornament because of all of the ice. I was just saying to John yesterday morning how we needed to see if we could still find a 2008 ornament. Well, Ethan painted ornaments and gave them to everyone yesterday, and on the back of it, it has his name and 2008. That was very surprising, so we now have our ornament for this year. We ended the day yesterday observing birds in the backyard. Sharon has so many different kinds of birds, it was really fun. When we got home, we of course gamed until bed, I finished my Dragonlance Test of the Twins book, and am going to start Dragons of the Dwarven Depths tonight. Heathers girlfriend came over last night and brought homeade taffy, so our house smelled really yummy all night, so that was cool too. Had a great holiday!
Becca made this doll for Jen, I had to take a picture......
Me and John in front of our fireplace....
Jessica opened up her tag maker from Creative Memories, I couldn't wait to see her open it!
Making music with the table....
Brittany listened to her tunes pretty much the whole time.....
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
- Yeah we're playing those mind games together Projecting our images in space and in time....John Lennon
- Last of all, we come to humility. This isn't quite what most Westerners think it is. Humility in this context is committing yourself to each moment equally, being content in yourself, and releasing the need for approval from others. Humility equates to self-acceptance, to being aware of purpose and place in all things. When we think about how big the universe is, it's easy to see how humility would arise in our thoughts......Marian Singer
- Being a perfectionist, life was a series of disappointments. Being human, life was a series of joy....Yoko Ono
- How wonderful people can be during crisis. My neighbor Beth baked us some banana bread, and offered her coat and home to our neighbor Shirley.
- How this season no matter what your beliefs can be a time of reflection on new beginnings and hope.
- Family: consider the notion of acceptance, acknowledging your family members without demands or defensiveness.....Emma Restall Orr - Fire Friend Moon
- Environment: What is the tree, plant or animal that speaks to you most at this time?....Emma Restall Orr - Fire Friend Moon
- The dormant life of the seed
- How running only on limited power wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be. I realized how much needles electricity gets used, and also that I really didn't worry about what I was going to do that day. Wasn't much of a choice. I guess we have so many choices of how to spend our day.....kind of like having too many cereals or chips to choose from. Sometimes it's easier to only have a few because making the choice can be stressful.
- In picture:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
What a whirlwind
This is my view from my front porch.....

It got two of our bushes, and our light, but our mailbox survived......
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Oak Down


Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Snow Day 4

Monday, December 15, 2008
Snow Day

Sunday, December 14, 2008
First Snow
One sock and tings
Friday, December 12, 2008
Walk in the rain
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008
Kinds of kisses
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Shopping, Fleas and Baby Art
Our first artwork from the Babe.......

Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday Already?

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Camera Lessons
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Random Ramblings
Today I found a cool Beatles book to add to my collection, The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics, it was originally published in 1969 (I was a year old). They have some really cheap books at the front at Borders. They also have a John Lennon picture book that I would like to get, it's only $7.
Last night when I walked to my car after work, I looked up to the prettiest moon, the sky was so clear. I wished I had my camera! So, this morning before work I made sure to grab my camera, but dang, today is way too cloudy! I swear it feels like snow could come any day now. I haven't taken my coat off this afternoon, cause I just can't seem to get warm.
Me and John went over to Jon and Amy's house last night for some Warhammer time. John and Jon ended up talking about Warcraft the whole time, about some add on for the game you can download, while I put together Johns wolves for his vampire army. Amy and I talked about tons of movies, disagreeing mostly about Gone with the Wind and the first Hulk movie. She hated Gone with the Wind, she couldn't stand Scarlett, I loved the movie and the book. I hated the first Hulk, the only thing I liked about it were the actors. I couldn't even remember anything about the movie, it was that bad, but she liked the first one. Tonight John and I are going to watch the new Narnia movie, which I'm excited to see, cause I loved the first one.
Today I made another list....I have a Druid list, a Dragonlance list, and now I have a Beatles album list. I love lists, when I go to the store, I know exactly what I have or don't have. My Dragonlance list is of course the longest.
I'm looking forward to this weekend, I plan on putting up my Christmas decos. I would have done it last Wknd, but John had to work on Saturday and I didn't want him to have to mess with getting all of them down from the attic on his only day off. Last year I didn't put too much up, as a matter of fact, I think I decorated the week before Christmas. We have a nice Chrismtas village that we put on the fireplace, and I didn't do that last year either, so I'm going to pull out everything this year.
That's about all for now!

Monday, December 1, 2008
Kisses and Surprises
While the Babe was napping, I got some reading in. My tree book is soooooo good, and of course my Dragonlance book is great. The baby woke up CRABBY! She didn't want to stop crying, and made changing her poopy dipey hard, since she clunched her butt cheeks, yes, that was interesting! After having a snack, she calmed down a bit, and grandpa came over and played for a while with her, but she was still a bit crabby, so it was rough in some spots.
The greatest part about this Baby Monday was when I got not one but TWO baby kisses. I didn't even have to ask, I just got them for free! Grandpa was pretty excited, because he got a kiss too.