I get to work this morning and open up my planner, what do I see? A freakin HUGE spider. Even being a spider person (the spider is my totem animal), I still jumped and got the pooh scared out of me (not really). It's funny because during my quiet time this morning the focus was on spider and the weaving of its web (my oracle card drawn today was spider woman). It teaches me patience in that weaving, and knowing I weave my own life and when my web gets ruined, I start again. Oh, got side tracked there a bit, back to the office spider..........

My planner, where it all began. I wish I would have had time to get my camera, but that spider was quick!

When I opened up my planner, it dashed under my desk and went inside the hanging green folder. This is a picture of the aftermath.

If you have read my previous post from a while back 'Catch and Release'
(http://sissybugs2.blogspot.com/2009/09/catch-and-release.html), you know you need tools for a successful mission. These are the tools I used in this mission. I had a plastic cup on my desk, thank goodness not full of water, because I would have dumped it out to use it, and the spider might have gotten a bit wet and died. After I finally caught him in the cup, I then had to dig in my drawer for an index card. I had to really hold that cup down while doing this, it was plastic after all, that's why it's so banged up. Then I had to find something hard to hold the index card down with, that way you're not too close to the spider when you flip the cup over, so I grabbed my Beatles coaster off my desk.

The broom above was used in this mission. This was my first time using this tool for catch and release. Usually this tool is used for smash and squoosh. But I don't do that anymore. I had to use this tool to push the hanging folder out from under my desk. I used the handle to do that, and then used it to also open the file. This was a very handy tool!

It can be helpful to have help on a super fast spider mission. You may need spotters, and it would be super helpful if you all had cups, just in case the spider comes your way. So here are the players...........

Jennifer.....A.K.A.....Spider Wimp and Killer. DO NOT use her on your spider mission, unless the said spider is poisonous. Because she will use the broom, or her foot for the Smash/Stomp and Squoosh technique. On this mission, she did nothing! I asked for help too. But she said "keep it away, get it away from me, if I helped I would kill it." Hmmmm. If I'm out in the woods, I hope she's with me, cause I imagine she could take on a bear with that attitude!

Barbara....A.K.A.......Boss Lady! OK, so the boss didn't help me either. She was too busy.....wait for it...working, at work. What the heck? She would also come in handy out in the woods. She could set up camp, and be in charge of getting things done, but if you need help on a spider mission, don't call this boss lady!

Tammy (that's me).......A.K.A......the Spider Catch and Release Champion, Hero and Savior of Spiders (when youre as cool as me, your title is super long)! Yep, tootin my own horn here. If you have a spider, call me, I will be patient with the catch, even if it takes a really, really long time. And if I have to do it solo, I will, because it's my duty as a champion!