Monday, May 23, 2011

Shooting Day

We woke up Saturday morning at 5:30 AM to get ready to go shooting. We met Grant at his place and he drove, then we met up with Mike and Clay in Silverton. We drove for miles and, up past Scotts Mills. It was a really pretty drive. I was hoping it was going to be nice out, but it was a bit cold. It was my first time shooting any kind of gun. I wish I knew what the guns were that I shot, but I don' I know I didn't shoot a rifle though.

The shooting site. There were shell casings all over the place, and some dog pooh that I ended up covering with rocks so we didn't have to keep side stepping it....ha, ha.

John walking back from hanging up the cool neon targets we got.

I like this picture of Clay because I snapped it while it was smoking ;)

Me shooting our gun that I can't remember what the name of is!

Grants gun. Yowsers!

This gun was SUPER loud, even with ear protection on!

Sexy shooter!

I can't remember whos gun this was, I shot so

John shooting Grants biggie!

This is Johns gun from when he was a kid.

Cool bullet shot with a reflection, saweet!

This gun was the funnest to shoot. It has a red dot scope on it. I had a lot of fun hitting cans with this gun.

John, Clay and Grant shootin together.

1 comment:

Jennifer Evans said...

So freaky how much John looks like Dave from the side now with his glasses...