Monday, November 3, 2008

Another Baby Monday

Wow, where did this Wknd go? It seems like I just answered the door to tricker treaters. We had a lot of kids this year, more so I think than any other year. So, today I am watching the cute Babe. She has a runny nose, but it isn't getting her down. Nope! Only been here for oh about a half hour, and her energy level is up there pretty high. Oh, the things I could do with that energy! So today, we will hopefully go for a walk, if the rain lets up, playtime, readtime, and some Will and Grace watching time (that's my break time...hee, hee). Well, I'm off to catch that cute baby......more like she will catch me!

1 comment:

Jessica Gray said...

Sounds like you are going to be pretty busy today. LOL... Especially with the little "Miss Highmaintence" At least she is the cutest babe in the world!