Friday, October 24, 2008

What's in your bag?

I loved Jules post this morning, "whats in your bag" and thought it was such a fun idea, I decided to do it too...

In my Beatles bag:

  • Menthol throat lozenges
  • My checkbook
  • My planner
  • My coin bag
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Lip balm
  • Face powder
  • My backup stick from work
  • A piece of dark chocolate - for emergency situations
  • My Aubrey Organics deodorant - again, for emergency situations
  • Gum
  • Change
  • Gloves
  • A pen
  • A magnet I bought yesterday that has acorns on it (it says my family tree is full of nuts, even though this be true, I liked it because of the acorns)


Jessica Gray said...

What a cite idea! What random things you have there... :) and I still say that Chocolate looks like a condom. LOL... Good thing that you labels what is in your bag. :)

Jessica Gray said...

Yes "cite" is a better word then "Cute" Is has more intelligent meaning...:)

Jay Andrew said...

And that's why I carry a wee bag LOL. I usually have a book in my bag as well and I have taken to carrying my knitting bag for bus journeys and a fabric shopping bag so I don't have to take a plastic one. I almost always have dog poo bags on me too.