So today I saw a squirrel eating at the peanut feeder, and then realized it couldn't leave. It was having a really hard time, and then it just gave up and hung out in the feeder. Well, of course I know that squirrels don't do this, as soon as I walk into the backyard they dart away. I think his front paw wasn't working right. My dog wanted out back really bad, but I knew it was so he could chase the squirrel, I didn't want to scare the poor thing to death, so I slowly walked up to the feeder and then he realized he better get out of there, better me than the dog aproaching the feeder. So, he struggled a while and finally got up on the fence, but then he had to jump trees. I watched him for quite a while, poor guy, struggling through this. He finally got over to the neighbors oak, but he could only come down. Poor thing.
Our mice are still out there, of course, they have such a wonderful food supply, why would they leave. I think we are going to get mice traps, and then release them into a field somewhere. Theres a huge field at Minto Brown, and on my last visit there I saw a mouse. Going to have to do it soon, before they decide to move into our house. Acorns are dropping from the oak, and a few leaves. It's so fun to watch the seasons change.

Awe the chubby squirrel is sochubby looking and so cute. I want to cuddle him. The pictures are really nice, I really like the way that the leaf turned out! BEA-utiful
Have I said that I love your new camera? It takes great macro-shots doesn't it? -Jen
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