Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A random thought when I can't sleep

I am a very light sleeper, and have to sleep with a fan going, it's called Blizzard, has 3 settings, with the final setting sounding like a jet engine. Last night I woke up at 3:00 am, had to go pee, and then couldn't get back to sleep because my fan was making weird noises. I can only compare it to the annoyance of sleeping next to someone snoring really loud.
As I lay there, I thought of how much I really can't stand the word 'myriad'. I have been coming across that word in a lot of books lately, and still can't stand it. It looks weird, and it's even weirder to use in a sentence. I mean, why is it that this thought would enter my mind at 3:00 in the morning? I kept trying to use it in different sentences, but it still just bugged me to no end. It's funny how when you can't sleep, things like that bug you more. I mean, it's not like I dwell on that word on a daily basis, letting my hatred of it consume me. From freedictionary.com....
1. Constituting a very large, indefinite number; innumerable: the myriad fish in the ocean.
2. Composed of numerous diverse elements or facets: the myriad life of the metropolis.
1. A vast number: the myriads of bees in the hive.
Yep, weird, weird word. I don't like it. I know I'm not the only word hater out there, so whats your word you don't like running across?
Back to my fan....it kept making this strange loud noise every few seconds. I got up and beat it a few times (there are no laws against fan beating), but it didn't help. So, I decided it would be a fanless night. I turned it off, opened up my windows and laid back down to go to sleep. A few seconds laying there in the quiet, I hear a loud crash right outside. It sounded like a squirrel fell out of the tree and landed on our tin shed. My dog freaked out, and I knew I would not be able to go back to sleep, conjuring up many images of what that noise was....I turned the fan back on, and what do you know, it stopped snoring. I stopped having a myriad of thoughts racing around (maybe like my fear of spiders, I just need to accept the word and use it in my vocabulary), and finally fell into peaceful sleep.


Jessica Gray said...

Ugh! I had to OPPOSITE thing with my fan. It wasn't annoying last night, but I still couldn't sleep WITH it on. It was so warm last night even at 2am Nick wouldn't let me turn it off. I kept hearing things. And that Myriad word. WHAT A DUMB word. Seriously! I can't think of words i hate. Ha ha...Although two different people used the word (and you know one specifically. Well there friends with HER) "Behooved" that is such a dumb word too!

Jennifer Evans said...

HA!!!! Such a funny post!