We spent some time at the lake on our camping trip. As you will see, Jessica is in love with her noodle, a little much I must say, she's never without that orange noodle.

Jess loving her noodle soooo much she's using it as shade for her face?
The gang on the inflatable trampoline...note the noodle is still at Jessicas side
Travis and Ahsley being goofy after a "sexy" photo shoot, which I did not capture, after all, this blog is not xxx rated....hee, hee.
Ashley lookin cute on the trampoline
Uh, the noodle again (the orange thing, not Jess)
My niece Cassidy
My brother Todd hanging with his grandson Dominic and Cassidy
Love, that's what this is, that together forever kind of love, well, until the noodle falls apart, or her kids want to take it away from her.
That was awesome. I didn't even realize how cute that noodle really was!
HA! Sigh, you guys make me laugh!
haha she sure did love that noodle! the parting was sweet and sorrowful
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