John and I went and saw GI Joe was soooo good. Well, my opinion anyways, believe it or not, I liked it better then Transformers (got tired of all the Transformers hype, but that's not the only reason). GI Joe was NON STOP action. I loved the characters too. For those of you who don't know, John has been a huge GI Joe fan since he was younger. He has all the old toys still (tons of them, he wants his own room to put them all up, but I think its so he can play with them). He has the comic books too. I sat down and read them one time in about a week, but that was a long time ago. He liked the movie, but of course they didn't follow the old comics with some of the characters, but he did like it (not as much as Transformers, but then again, Megan Fox wasn't in GI Joe).....
Today we went up to Jacks and John worked on his car brakes. While they were working, Korissa and I had a little picnic out by the garden.
Just like her mommy when she was little, she loves playing with rocks.....
Great Grandpa gave her a new cool wagon too. She would not go in it at all until I took off the sides....then she climbed right on it, and wanted rides the rest of the time.

So cute! Doesn't the garden look GREAT?!
I love the last picture of Gumby and Rissa, with her leg hanging off the side while her Grandpa was pulling her. How cute!-Jess
I liked Transformers better then GI Joe and it isn't because of Megan Fox! lol You should watch Angels & Demons w/ Tom Hanks...pretty good but the book is way better. Always is...
Cute pics! I hope to get to see GI Joe and Transformers. Have to wait for Ron so I am wondering if it will ever happen.
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