OK, so this was a very hard decision. I mean, a top 10? Well, I had to think long and hard about this, I know, I know, there are much more important things to think about, but hey, this stuff is fun! Some are comedies, some are really dramatic, some are action, they all make me cry to some extent (uh, some have me bawling like a Babe when she doesn't get her way), and are full of romance. My top 10 romantic movies of all time (so far anyways) are.....
Number 10
Top Gun
Who can resist Berlin singing "Take my Breathe Away"? This was before Tom Cruise was jumping up and down on couches and talking Scientology, and before we found out Kelly McGillis was actually a lesbian....they had some steamy chemistry!!!
Number 9
Somethings Gotta Give
Ok, Jack Nicholson is not my favorite leading man, but him and Diane Keaton in this movie, wow, love it!!
Number 8
Pretty in Pink
Molly Ringwald was my favorite 80's star (well, next to Madonna). She's still awesome. Who can resist Jon Cryer (for you youngies he's now on Two and a Half Men) as Duckie, hopelessly in love with Andie? Andrew McCarthy was a big 80's star too, also in the Brat Packers Club.
Number 7
Sleepless in Seattle
Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan....need I say more?
Number 6 
Phantom of the Opera
Ahhh, a romantic musical, then add Gerard Butler.....heaven!
Number 5
I just love John Cusack in this movie. Definitely romantic!
Number 4
I can remember when I snuck a peak in the closet one year where my mom tried to hide my Christmas presents, and finding the Grease soundtrack record. Oh man, was I excited. I can't watch this movie without singing along.
Number 3
Ever AfterFairy Tale style romance, can't ask for more.
Number 2
The Wedding Singer
"Julia Goolia", 80's soundtrack, Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, a best friend that dresses like Madonna, a serenade on a plane....perfect!
Number 1's, yep it's a tie (and it's not cheating, because I made up this list and I make the rules)......
Sixteen Candles
I know, you wouldn't expect this to be number one huh? Well, this movie has everything in it, even the Geek. Oh, and John Cusak playing a total nerd, Molly Ringwald in her most awesomest of roles, and Jake Ryan.
Ahhh....Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio
Honorable mentions if I called it my top 17, these would be on it.....

The Holiday

The Notebook
Gone with the WindThis probably would have been on the top 10, but Scarlett was just too mean to Rhett, so it got bumped.
Fever Pitch
I'm a sucker for Drew romance and have a small crush on Jimmy Fallon

Dirty Dancing
"Nobody puts Baby in a corner"
Love Actually
This really would be tied with Something's Gotta Give, but my rule is only one tie per list...ha, ha
50 First DatesYep, another Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler