Sunday, February 8, 2009

Nice Wknd

  • I watched Nick and Noras Infinite Playlist and Private Valentine (what can I say, I'm a sucker for Jessica Simpson movies). I enjoyed them both. Oh, and some really dumb movie I paid for on satellite called Babysitter Wanted. It looked scarey, but it was just dumb.
  • Today John just needs to watch one more lost and he will be caught up with me, so we can start watching episodes I haven't seen, can't wait, cause then he will stop asking me so many questions (I hope).
  • I totally reorganized my Ipod. I hate it when Itunes puts an artist under a genre, and the same artist with a different album under another genre, so I changed all that. Plus I got rid of the tunes I always skip when they come on.
  • I cleaned under the bird feeder yesterday, and moved some dirt around.
  • Cleaned my house and complained the whole time cause it just gets dirty again....hee, hee.
  • Channel surfing, landed on VH1 and had to watch Rue Pauls Drag, I just couldn't help myself. Some of those guys....ummm....ladies, looked pretty dang good.
  • Today I'm going to do laundry and game, game, game!
  • Oh, Heather made Specialist yesterday, she's no longer Private Evans, she's Specialist Evans now, she was sooooo excited! So if you know her cell, give her a ring, it would be awesome if you congratulated her.


Jay Andrew said...

Congratulations to Heather on her promotion. What is her specialism then? In the British Army, it goes from Private to Lance Corporal to Corporal, so forgive my ignorance of the US system.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to heather!! You should watch the movie called The Lucky Ones...really really good!