- Listening to: Aimee Mann
- Eating: Falafel Wrap...yummy!
- Reading: Dragonlance Second Generation
- Hurts: When the Babe pulled my hair yesterday
- Favorite quiet moment: When the Babe cuddled with me for a half hour yesterday
- Current new series I'm watching: 6 Feet Under
- What I'm looking forward to this week: lunch at Golden Tent tomorrow with Jess, playing with my new toon in WoW, mailing a package overseas, setting new moon intentions
- What I'm not looking forward to: going to the dr tomorrow...I usually don't mind, but this guy gives me tons of homework and it's not fun homework. Who does homework for a Dr?
- Whats keeping me busy: tax returns, UGH!
I'm a weirdo, I'm creative, I love 'LOVE', I'm random, I love to write, I love spiders, I love taking pictures, I love Halloween, and I love my family.....they rock! So, pretty much this blog is about all of the above!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Some Randoms
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Bye Bye Bedroom Tube
Yeserday I decided to move the tv out of my bedroom. I watch my soap at night before bed, but I find that after it's over I will channel surf, and get caught up in another show. So, I decided to actually stop watching my soap as it is really becoming dumb, and sometimes I just need closure. It's bad enough to have no Lost closure, I can only handle so much, ha, ha. I rearranged my whole bedroom, and I really like it. In the process I went through a junk drawer I had and got rid of all the junk. I think it took me almost 4 hours to do all the arranging. It's going to be a bit weird, but now I can focus on my reading.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Feeling better
Well, we are finally starting to feel better around here. What a nasty flu that was. I still feel like getting a bit sick when I think of certain foods, like chocolate chip cookies, that sucks, but at least I don't have to just sit on the couch anymore.
John and I were finishing watching a disc of Lost tonight, and let the answering maching pick up, because it was right at a crucial spot, but I could hear this gibberish on the machine, paused the DVD, and yelled excitedly "it's the Babe". It was so cute, we got to the phone too late, but we called her back. We replayed the cute message she left us though. We told Jessica that we only pause for the Babe.
I'm going to go to bed a bit earlier than usual tonight, because I'm still tired, but I got my new Emma Restall Orr book in the mail today, so I will read that a bit before watching the soap and going to bed.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Well, I finally got that darn stomach bug everyone has been talking so much about. This thing spreads like, well, I don't know what, I'm not good at making up those comparisons, but it spreads rather easily. I haven't gotten the horrible throw up experience yet, maybe I won't get that, Nick didn't get that part too badly, so maybe it will completly bypass me....I hope, I hope, I hope. I tried looking up clipart for the flu to put on here, and decided to stop after seeing things like "girls vomitting fetish". Ok, there's a fetish for this? Ok, enough said about that. I'm off to bed I think.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Nice Wknd
- I watched Nick and Noras Infinite Playlist and Private Valentine (what can I say, I'm a sucker for Jessica Simpson movies). I enjoyed them both. Oh, and some really dumb movie I paid for on satellite called Babysitter Wanted. It looked scarey, but it was just dumb.
- Today John just needs to watch one more lost and he will be caught up with me, so we can start watching episodes I haven't seen, can't wait, cause then he will stop asking me so many questions (I hope).
- I totally reorganized my Ipod. I hate it when Itunes puts an artist under a genre, and the same artist with a different album under another genre, so I changed all that. Plus I got rid of the tunes I always skip when they come on.
- I cleaned under the bird feeder yesterday, and moved some dirt around.
- Cleaned my house and complained the whole time cause it just gets dirty again....hee, hee.
- Channel surfing, landed on VH1 and had to watch Rue Pauls Drag Race....man, I just couldn't help myself. Some of those guys....ummm....ladies, looked pretty dang good.
- Today I'm going to do laundry and game, game, game!
- Oh, Heather made Specialist yesterday, she's no longer Private Evans, she's Specialist Evans now, she was sooooo excited! So if you know her cell, give her a ring, it would be awesome if you congratulated her.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Chili Incident
So, last Friday was a very hectic day. A huge mess up happened involving some money...ugh, then coming to work finding out that some year end papers needed to be filed that day, and I had thought we had another month. Jess had to come in and file her papers, I had to do mine, and then there was a ton of other stuff going on, welcome to tax season. I didn't leave until almost 8:00 (don't feel too sorry for me, I didn't come in until 1:30...hee, hee), so I decided to swing by Lifesource and pick up some dinner. I got some yummy rolls, and some 5 bean chili from the hot bar. I get to my car, open up my door and all the mail comes tumbling out (I shouldn't have put it in that little side pocket on the door) so I set the chili on top of the car and hunt for the mail. I take off, drop off the mail, get almost home and realize I forgot the freakin chili on top of the car. I was so mad. After having such a hectic day, to lose my dinner? I pull into the garage fuming, get out and what do you know, the chili is still on top of my car. I bet a lot of people driving by me and behind me got an eyeful and wondered if I knew it was there. So, I got to enjoy my chili, I thought it was so funny that it hung in there the whole way home (I'm glad I have a sunroof).
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sunny Days
I'm so excited that we have been having such sunny days lately. It's still chilly, but yesterday around noon, it was very nice outside. I'm getting so excited for Spring. I see flowers coming up in our yard now, and can't wait to take long walks at the park again. I will go camera crazy all over again!
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