Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I have been sick with some sort of sore throat flu thing, and haven't done much of anything but watch TV. I haven't even WoWed in a week. I'm finally feeling better, below is what I have been up to for the past week.....

  1. Watched Lost
  2. Watched Lost
  3. Watched Lost
  4. Watched some more Lost
  5. Finished watching season 1 of Lost
  6. Went to Hollywood Video and rented Season 2 discs one and two of Lost
  7. Watched Disc one of Season 2 Lost


Jay Andrew said...

I'm sorry to hear you have been a victim of the Dreaded Lurgy. Sending healing hugs to you hunny.

Jessica Gray said...

Dude.. Can't wait to watch season two. Glad your enjoying your time on the "Island."

Marsha said...

Sorry to hear you were sick but glad you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

lol that's a lot of lost! I hope you feel better soon!