Finding him: I worked for a vet at the time, and he was brought in, orphaned. I took him home and had to feed him every 3 hours with a syringe, his eyes weren't even opened yet. He was so tiny, he fit on a miniature dollhouse bed.
Naming him: We originally named him Harley, but a co-worker of mine kept saying "he stinks like formula", "he's so stinky", so we named him stinky, cause he did kinda stink.
His hobbies: He loved playing with those toy mice. Licking chins and beating people up. At Christmas time, he would pull the candy canes off the tree, and pull the bows off the presents. Food was by far his favorite thing, and he could smell if you had ice cream from a mile away, well, Heather used to always give him some of hers, so he got pretty spoiled in that area.
Craziest Memory: We lived in Brookings at the time, and we had two finches. I was playing on the computer, which was in another room. I saw Stinky out of the corner of my eye, a few times, going back and forth. The birds were too quiet, and it seemed strange. I got up, and saw he had nocked over the cage and was taking them into the bedroom, he had one in his mouth, and the other was in the bedroom......no birds were harmed in this craziest memory.
Nicknames: Stinker, Doo, Big Doo, Doody, Fat Cat
His Chubbiness: Stinky was known for years for his, umm, big bones. When ever people would see him, they would say "that cat is huge" or "wow, what a fat cat". He never let him get to him though, he loved his ice cream way too much. But, eventually we had to put him on a diet. Although Heather still fed him ice-cream and cereal milk.
The cheesy poem: I wrote this poem 5/26/00 in my journal
A little cat you once were, oh how you would cuddle and purr.
A little cat you once were, oh how you would cuddle and purr.
I fed you morning, noon and night. You were so tiny, oh what a sight.
Your name was to be Harley, but that wasn't the case. I named you stinky, cause of the goo on your face.
You were my baby, yest it's true. Then came along a puppy and now you're so blue.
You were head honcho of the nest, but you're older now and need more rest.
You don't get around much to frolic and play, but you're still my baby and in my heart you will stay.
You're still head honcho in my eyes of the house. The puppy can pretend, but we know he's only a mouse.
We will miss you Stinker