Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Procrastinating and stuff

Well, I should be working right now, but I am avoiding what I'm suppose to be doing. I'm working on a years worth of data entry from a client, it's so unorganized, has two seperate accounts, and is just a mess. I've really been avoiding it all day, but am running out of excuses not do it, so am blogging as my last
I'm looking forward to this weekend, birthday party and Easter. This weekend I will stuff a ton of plastic eggs for hunting.
I've started the second book in the Twilight series, wow, I don't know why it took me so long to start reading these books. Last night I did have a vampire dream though, it wasn't a sexy hot vampire dream though, it was freaky and scared the crap out of me. One of those kinds of dreams that wakes you up and your disoriented for a few minutes. It was really scarey. I finally convinced John to watch the movie with me, and he did like it.
We just finished season 4 of Charmed, which is so far my favorite in the series. I am very happy that Rose McGowen is in it, as I have always been a big fan.
I'm bummed that the sun is already gone though. I'm watching all three kids this Friday, and I was hoping it was going to be nice. Maybe it won't rain too badly, so the kids can scooter their brains out.
Well, procrasted enough already.


Jennifer Evans said...

Dave is already on the third book! He just got them at Lisa's! Crazy! Can't wait to see you all on Saturday and then Sunday too! I feel spoiled! ;)

Jessica Gray said...

Hey if your going to procrastinate, then posting a blog is a super good idea! However I am sorry that you are having NON-sexy vampire dreams. I was so in love with the vampire Edward. But you have scarrey dreams alot, so it only makes sense lol. About Charmed... I did have a wierd dream that they took R.McG and put some other girl in there. I must be struggling with the new character or something. I though I liked her. Can't wait to get into the 4 season more.!!! Have fun with the kids!