I drove Cassidy to McMinnville yesterday to visit with Tasha for the night. For those that don't know, I grew up in McMinnville. I hadn't been there in years. The drive there is really pretty still. It's gotten a lot bigger, but it's still the same. I saw where me and Sondra bought our first pack of cigarettes, my middle school, the 7 eleven where Janie and I would stop for snacks after getting off the bus after school. After dropping off Cassidy and Tasha, I drove out to where I used to live. On the way back, I went the wrong way, saw a sign that said Portland 38 miles, and I was like, uh, I'm going the wrong way.....so, I had to turn around and go back through town (with the twenty million lights and really SLOW drivers), until I finally got headed back to Salem....ha, ha.
Cassidy at the office before we left. She was tired! I guess 8:30 AM is too early for her?

We had a few minutes to spare before Tasha met us at the coffee shop, so we saw this place nearby that said books, but it was a knitting place with knitting books, sad!

After getting Tasha some coffee, we headed over to this cafe for breakfast. The food was really good, but way too much, and I don't mean price. They give you a ton of food!

This was Cassies HUGE pancake. Tasha made a smiley out of it. It doesn't look that big, but it was. That's like a super size plate!

Hayden and Cassidy playing!

Hayden liked my purse!

There was a cemetery by my old house that my friends and I would go to. We went at night to scare ourselves....lol. This is me in front of the cemetary.

Where I used to live. I didn't drive up to it, because I would have had to turn around in these peoples driveway, and country folk always look at you suspicious like when someone does that....ha, ha. So, I took a picture of it from the bottom. They built a house there, a nice one too. We lived in a trailer. But that pasture there is where our horses were, and we would sled down that in the snow!
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