- The Wolfman - If you haven't seen this trailer, you gotta google it!
- Shutter Island (this was suppose to have been released in 2009 several times)
- Alice in Wonderland
- Green Zone - Only cause it has Matt Damon in it, and I love Matt Damon in action roles
- Clash of the Titans
- Robin Hood - Russell Crowe as Robin Hood, saweet!
- Sex and the City 2 - We gotta do cosmos this time Jess
- Eclipse
- The Lasat Airbender
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I'm a weirdo, I'm creative, I love 'LOVE', I'm random, I love to write, I love spiders, I love taking pictures, I love Halloween, and I love my family.....they rock! So, pretty much this blog is about all of the above!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Movies in 2010 I can't wait to see.....
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Cupcakes and French Toast
Yesterday I decided to try a new cupcake recipe, and when I went to Lifesource to get the ingredients, I found some vegan sprinkles, how exciting is that?! They were super yummy. Jess stopped by last night so I was able to give someone else a taste. The kids have always been my taste testers because John is super picky, he wouldn't try them, although he did devour the rice krispe treats I made on Saturday. I also made a new french toast recipe. I have tried many ways to make french toast eggless, and let me tell you....YUCK! Last nights recipe was sooooo good, I felt like I was eating in some kind of fancy restaraunt.

Monday, December 21, 2009
Winter Solstice Greetings!
I Heard a Bird Sing
by Oliver Herford
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.
'We are nearer to Spring Than we were in September,'
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A question finally answered
I have caught a cold, and as I went to check the office mail....which I didn't want to go do, cause I have to go outside and its super freakin cold here right now, and when I got to the box, I realized I grabbed the wrong keys, so I had to come back to the office grab the right keys, this time putting on my gloves and scarf....anyways, when I was walking back I started thinking. Yes, I do think a lot, maybe too much sometimes, but I started thinking that it doesn't make sense that you would catch a cold from being outside in the winter, or being out in the rain. Like, when you go outside with wet hair and older people say "you will catch a cold like that", it made me think, thats just dumb. I thought it was dumb because being outside to me would be the place to NOT catch a cold, because I mean, youre outside and not all cooped up sharing germs and such. So, my thoughts got the better of me and I decided to google. I will share this with you from wikianswers, so you all don't lose sleep over it, when you wake up in the middle of the night asking yourself the same question I did.....
Question: Is it true that going outside with wet hair when its cold can make you sick?
NO - The common cold is a virus. It is caught and spread by the transfer of bacteria. Cold temperatures can actually help prevent colds by weakening airborne bacteria. What CAN make you more prone to illness, is tiring or weakening your body, which makes it harder to fight infection. Becoming cold to the point of shivering will lower body temperature, which can lower your immune system - this is another contributor to catching viruses. Humans lose heat rapidly through their head, which is a process that would accelerate with wet hair - if you let yourself get chilled to the point of shivering, or worse, to the point when shivering stops, you would lower your immune system and therefore be more likely to catch a cold. So, having wet hair and being in cold air alone wont make you sick, but letting your self get overly chilled and/or tired might.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Score at Whole Foods for the Vegan
Well, they didn't have my tea in, so I will just order it, but I scored on.....
- Marshmallows, the normal ones, not coconut, to put in my hot chocolate
- Oh man, oh man, oh man, vegan freakin donut holes, are you serious? Oh, I would never kid you about donut holes: regular and pumpkin. That was such a score I had to high five my niece Cassidy
- Shampoo and Conditioner, a new kind that I found. Also got the lotion and body wash, cause you gotta have the WHOLE line ya know.
- Vanilla Creme Spritzer by RW Knusden. They don't carry that flavor in Salem, so yum!
- Yummy noodles and vegan egg rolls (why they called egg rolls with no egg)
I also went to Walmart to finish off my shopping and ended up getting a food processor. So, I am making some pumpkin cheescake tonight and hoping ever so much it will turn out super scrumptious!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Spider Adventures in the bathroom
I was taking my shower the other night, and saw a daddy long leg on the ceiling near the shower. Well, I'm taking my shower, trying to keep and eye on it (remember that I can't see a thing without my glasses), so it makes it rather hard when I'm just looking at a blurry blob on the ceiling. So, I'm washing my hair while watching the spider (ok, you smarties, this isn't the time to debate wether or not a daddy long leg is a spider or not, I'm gonna call it one, so shush up), it starts moving towards the fan, I'm thinking, um, is it gonna get sucked in there, or freak out and run over here, get in the stream of water while I'm rinsing my hair and I will have this spider in my hair, all squooshed cause its wet and stuff? I turn off the fan quickly, cause I don't want squishy stuff and a bunch of legs in my hair, and notice now the long leg has decided to start coming down from the ceiling, I'm rinsing away, and gotta close my eyes for a few seconds, then I open them up, and what the heck, long legs is GONE. Great! I'm not having a relaxing shower!
I also know eventually I will have to get out and look for this spider. Will it be on my clothes? Will it make me jump because it surprises me somewhere? I am freaking out too, cause I know I gotta get my glasses on to even see where it went. I turn off the water grab my towel, shake it, just in case. I open the door grab my glasses so I can freakin see....and then....they steam up, now I can't even see a blob, I can't see anything at all. So I gotta open up the door to clear them up, and then just like that, it's all over, no more anxiety, cause I spot long legs over by the heater vent. I can't pass up the opportunity to take a few pictures. I didn't get very many good ones, cause even though I'm not super afraid of spiders anymore thanks to catch and release practice, I'm still a bit "shy" around them, and I shake a bit uncontrollably in their presence. I did talk reassuringly to him though, saying "oh man, oh man, I'm not gonna get too close" or "oh geez, you are really creepy". Now saying to a spider you are really creepy isn't a put down. It probably makes them feel better about themselves, cause I think they are suppose to be creepy right?
The clearest picture of long legs.....

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