Monday, November 12, 2012

Goodbye Cigarettes???

Here I am yet again, writing another I'm going to quit smoking post. Ugh, I really do have a love hate relationship with my cigarettes. I started re-reading You Too Can Quit, and have made my list of reasons I want to quit.......

  1. Get fit
  2. Be healthy on the inside
  3. Smell good
  4. Korissa
  5. More money
  6. More time
  7. Tremors (I have head tremors that can't be explained, and they are sooo bad when I smoke).
So, the steps I'm taking this week are:
  1. I've moved my outside smoking to my front step. I usually smoke in my backyard in a chair, but I need to make it as inconvenient as possible. Oh man, it's freezing in the front, and that step makes my butt cold.
  2. Not have a cigarette until after I shower. My first cigarette of the day is the most anticipated, by waiting, it will train me to not want it so much.
  3. Not have a cigarette right before bed.
  4. I'm going to read my list of reasons throughout the day.
  5. Eliminate smoking in my truck.
  6. Yoga
After I finally do quit, I'm going to add cardio into my workouts. I also have gone back to my vegan eating this last week, so that is good too. I don't understand why this quitting thing is so freakin hard. I've been going back and forth with it for almost 2 years now. It's driving me bonkers, so, that's why I'm taking these baby steps, hopefully that will help.

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