Friday, June 1, 2012

Treasure Hunt

Today when Korissa got off her school bus and saw me, the first thing she said was, "grandma, are we gonna do treasure?" I had told her a few days ago that I would hide some treasure and she could go find it, she was sooooo excited. So, I made sure it was all hidden for her to find when she got home from school.....
Looking for the map

I marked the buried map with a stick and red yarn, thinking she would spot it took a while.

She unburied the map!

The first treasure spot......

Beads! She asked if she got to keep them, ha, ha. I told her, yes it's your treasure!

Star Wars bouncy balls!

This one wasn't buried, and she couldn't find it...ha, ha!

Holding all her treasure she found.

The map, nope, I'm not too artistic, but it worked!

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