Friday, December 16, 2011

This Week

Man, I wanted to do a post every day in December, but wow, this week has flew by. Monday I went to Portland for visiting and shopping, and was gone all day. Then of course work this week, and a few shopping stops. Last night we decorated our tree, and a light strand went out, so will need to fix that. Haven't done a lot of picture taking of the things I've done this week, so here's another one of my random things in pictures.......
LOVE this line, and there's no icky ingredients.
My favorite soap.
I've been a horrible vegan the past few months, having too much dairy, and not only does it gross me out, my body hates it. So, going to re-eliminate this dairy binge for good!
Bag with Jessicas gift in it that I need to
Yep, still smokin....not attempting a quit anytime soon.

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