Finally our Blue October day arrived. Actually, it came up pretty quickly, it seems like I just asked Jessica "do you want to go to Blue October with me?" We had soooo much freakin fun! We first went to Clackamas Town Center and hung out there for a while. We made our Build A Bears, which was soooo fun. I was going to make a Snoopy, but I didn't like it, because it was heavy (it was musical), and it's ears moved. So, I ended up getting a cute Koala Bear, which I named Kola. Then I bought her a witch outfit for Halloween. We also bought some classic books from Barnes and Noble. They had buy 2 get 1 free on their classic books. I bought: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland along with Through the Looking Glass, The Odyssey, and Wizard of Oz. I read Wizard of Oz when I was a kid, but I have never read the Alice in Wonderland story. Jess said the Odyssey is super good, so I got that one.
After the mall, we went to Moonshadow, the BEST place to buy incense, but, they had moved locations, and we needed to get to our hotel, so I didn't get any incense. Our Hotel was pretty cool. Thank goodness we were only on the 12th floor, we both don't like being too high up. We even had valet parking, fancy!
After we took our things up to the room, we headed off to walk around downtown. We first located the max, because we were going to ride that to the concert, but the concert was closer than we thought, so we just walked. We eventually found the Pioneer Square Mall, but we didn't get to look too long because we had to get to the concert.
We waited for a half hour outside, then I think about 45 minutes after that for the first act to come on. The second act was 'I am Dynamite', they were super cool! Jess liked them so much, she bought their CD. We literally stood for I think a little over 4 hours, because it was standing room only. Our backs were toast by the end of the night....but....Blue October was worth it. Man, they were soooo cooool! I loved it too, that it was a small theater, because we all sang 'Hate Me' (my fave Blue song), and now I can say "I freakin sang Hate Me with Blue October", cause we were right there ya know!
They had the Race for Cancer walk right downtown on Sunday morning, so the streets to get back were all blocked, but we made an adventure out of that too. We didn't have any stress.....woot! We had a really good time, and are going to plan a just the two of us adventure every year now!!
Jess dressing her bear.
Pioneer Courthouse Square |
Ha, ha. We couldn't pass up the chance to be disturbing with this |
A nice lady asked if we wanted her take a pic. |
Waiting, and waiting, and waiting.....hee, hee. |
After breakfast. I tried several times to get the Denny's sign in the pic, but it just didn't work. |
Guess Denny's didn't want to share camera time! |