I had a great time at the beach on Saturday with the family. After finally finding a place to park, we ate our picnic lunch and then headed down to the beach. John had to get a kite, but it didn't stay in the air too long. Dominic had fun trying to "catch" fish, Adriana didn't really have a mission, just having fun, The Babe of course was everywhere. Nick and I pretty much just sat down and watched everything, while John and Jess tried keeping the kite up, and Jess ran around snapping tons of pics on her disposable camera because she forgot her camera, yes, I know, what can I say about Jessica? Hee, hee. It was a bit windy, but we all got a little burned. I had a jacket on the whole time, so I just got one ear, and a scalp burn.
Adriana wearing Johns sweatshirt pointing at Jessicas castle....

I love this picture of John and Korissa in the same pose. Shes filling up her mini purple castle bucket, and he's filling up his big one....

My favorite one of the Babe.....

Dominic "fishing". His energy reminds me of Heathers when she was little, he's fun and cheery just like H (hey, and I just noticed he's wearing a soccer shirt)......

Jessica snapping a pic of Nick. See the weed fin in the back? Ooooo scarey, looks like a shark fin.....