Sunday, January 5, 2014

Fun day

Today was a super fun day. Jess picked me up this morning and I went to her and Nicks church. It was a really good sermon on the Israelites in the wilderness. I learned that I am actually choosing to wander myself, and just settle, but God has so much more for me. I don't want to continue asking myself if there is more to my life than this!
After church Jess made breakfast, and she made the most AMAZING taters I've ever had. Yum, so good. We planned on playing the zombie game, but ran out of time. I helped her with coupon clipping as we talked and laughed at her weird cat. Great conversation and great food :)

1 comment:

Jessica Gray said...

Today was so much fun! We'll have to have more Sundays, or just days like this again Love you Tammy:)