Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Where has the time gone?

Wow, I didn't realize it's been so long since I last posted. Time flies.....

  1. It has snowed at least 4 days (over the past couple of months) since my last post.
  2. John fixed my fan belt on White Boy. Man, that was so embarrassing to drive around in with all that squealing. I love my truck, but yowsers!
  3. Days of Our Lives, whoa.....it's been super good!
  4. Almost done watching the whole Charmed series.
  5. Visited with Lacey again in Portland before she moved to California.
  6. Got sick.
  7. Took care of John while he was sick and recovering from hernia surgery.
  8. Celebrated some birthdays.
  9. Taxes, taxes and more taxes.
  10. Downgraded from a smart phone to a dumb phone (saving 30 bucks a month)
  11. Dealt with my mom getting her debit card used and bank account hacked....freakin people!
  12. Valentines Day.
  13. Taco Bell and mall shopping with Jess.
  14. Castleville
  15. Journaling
  16. I got my last 2 books to complete my Dragonlance collection!!!
  17. I know a lot more has happened, but I really need to pull out my camera and take pictures.